Hello Family,
Today marks another milestone - 7 months of Chase safe in the arms of God in Heaven. I'd like to ask you to join me in praying the following scripture-prayers over me and my family - both immediate and extended - as often as you're willing to labor with us through prayer. (Many of the prayers have been adapted from Beth Moore's book Praying God's Word.)
The Lord has been gracious to allow us to feel the prayers of the saints, and to experience first hand that "the law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul." (Psalm 19:7)
Thank you again for your love and support.
The Lord has been gracious to allow us to feel the prayers of the saints, and to experience first hand that "the law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul." (Psalm 19:7)
Thank you again for your love and support.
- Lord, in my heart I plan my way, but You establish my steps. (Proverbs 16:9) Life isn't going as I planned, but I'm so grateful You're not caught off guard. You knew everything that would befall me. Please direct my steps as You determine. I need You Lord, carry me when I cannot walk.
- I cry to You Lord in my trouble, and You deliver me from my distress. (Psalm 107:13)
- Mighty God, be my rock of refuge, to which I can continually come; give the command to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress. (Psalm 71:3)
- Help me trust in You at all times; help me to pour out my heart to You, God, for you are my refuge (Psalm 62:8). O Lord, help me not be afraid to speak to You what's on my heart. Your word says You know my thoughts and my actions, and even before a word is on my tongue, You know it altogether (Psalm 139:1-4). You will never be offended when I pour out my earnest despair and bitterness that wells in my heart. You desire for me to cry out in my agony, and You can take my feelings of anger, dismay, and confusion. In pouring out my heart to You, I rid myself of soul-cancerous bitterness. I also make room for You to pour in Your healing.
- You, O God, will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). You are the only absolute guarantee I have in all of life. Help me cling to the one thing I can never lose.
We love you, are grateful for you, and remember you often in our prayers.