Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Shouts of God

"The abundance of God's revelation is usually accompanied by a thorn in the flesh
 (2 Corinthians 12:7)."
C.H. Spurgeon, Beside Still Waters

"We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain 

In April, a friend recommended that I subscribe to daily emails from a ministry called GriefShare. These emails have been such a huge encouragement - speaking truths, sometimes very hard truths, at just the right time. For more information about this ministry, or to subscribe to the emails, visit www.GriefShare.org.

This is a piece of the message, from Day 284, that I had in my inbox today:

When logic doesn’t seem to apply and being in control is not an option, you are left feeling vulnerable. This is the point at which you are ready to learn.  Recognize the need to learn more about God in order to live. 
“He learned obedience from what he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8). 
Father God, I am ready to listen and learn from You. Help me to be still before You in worshipful silence. Amen.

This is so true. In grief, the Lord has revealed Himself to me like never before. Like the C.S. Lewis  quote, it's like He is shouting.  Shouting truths I thought I understood, but really didn't. Truths like - He loves me; He is good and He does good; Christ is the true Solid Rock.  

Before this season I probably had a less-than-basic, surface-level understanding. And please don't think I've mastered these truths now. I never will. But I can go deeper into them. That's where He's leading me.  Deeper into His truths. Deeper into Him. 

It's scary and uncomfortable sometimes.  I don't like being reminded of how not in control I am.  It's sobering too. Our days are numbered - each and every one of us.  But I find those same truths to also be very relieving and comforting.  It's good that I'm not in control, because I would be a pretty terrible Ruler of All Things. 

I've already posted lots of things that He is teaching me. But after reflecting on 2013 when the New Year hit, I realize there are so many more.  Here's a list of some of the things I'm learning from His shouting. I hope to expound upon each one in its own post: 
  • He is God of the change in seasons
  • Grief is like a sickness and He is the ultimate Healer, Restorer
  • He is in charge of more things than I will ever be able to comprehend
  • He created us whole - mind, body and spirit; each area affects the other
  • His word is infinitely powerful, He desires it to sanctify us through and through